If you want to make a web site, you need 2 things - a domain and a hosting plan for it. The domain registration is the actual web address that you type in a web browser to reach a website, while the hosting space is where your website files will be. These are 2 tightly connected, yet separate services, although many people assume that registering the domain name is enough. Just like the disk space and the monthly traffic features that a given website hosting plan provides, there are a certain number of registered domain names that you can include as hosted i.e. you can have the web content for them in some account even when the domains are actually registered through a different company. In technical terms, it doesn't matter if a domain name is registered and hosted with the same company or is registered with one company and directed to another one - in any case your websites will operate the very same way.

Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Every semi-dedicated server that we offer includes unrestricted hosted domain names. Regardless of whether you register a number of domain names here or you already have them through a different company, you can add them in the account on our end with just a couple of clicks. If you choose to get a new domain address through our company, it will even be hosted automatically inside the account, so you will not need to do anything else but begin working on the site for it. All hosted domains can be controlled effortlessly in one location using our Hepsia CP. In contrast, in case you use rival Control Panels, you will be able to register a domain through one system and host it through another, not mentioning you must switch between several accounts to regulate a couple of domain addresses. As a result, Hepsia will save you efforts and time any time you manage your hosted domains.