Varnish is a data caching platform, which is occasionally called an HTTP reverse proxy. It’s a website accelerator tool that can boost the loading speed of a site by up to 1000 percent, based on the content itself. Anytime a visitor accesses any page on a site that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server in case the visitor opens it again. In this way, the web browser request from the visitor is not processed by the server and the web page will open much faster, as the Varnish caching platform can deliver information many times faster than any server software. The end result will be a significantly faster loading site, which leads to a greatly improved visitor experience. In case any of the cached web pages is updated on the live Internet site, the information that Varnish keeps in its system memory is ‘refreshed’ as well, so the users will not end up seeing old content.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Varnish is a feature, which comes by default with all Linux semi-dedicated hosting that we are offering and you can use it for load balancing purposes. It is available in your Hepsia Control Panel. The caching platform comes with 64 MB of system memory for cached data storing purposes and you can use it with any Internet site that you host in your account. In case you’re in need of more than that, you can increase the memory allowance. The memory itself is available in increments of 32 MB through the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. The exact same Upgrades section will allow you to enable more instances as well, if you’d like to use the Varnish platform with more sites. The two things can be added independently – you can cache the content of a single resource-requiring Internet site or run a number of sites with the default memory quota. You can get the most out of the Varnish caching platform in case you’ve got a dedicated IP and you can get one with your semi-dedicated server plan as well. Hepsia will give you complete control over the caching platform and, with no more than one single mouse click, you’ll be able to delete the cached data, to see a log file or to restart an instance.

Varnish in Dedicated Hosting

All Linux dedicated hosting which are ordered with the in-house built Hepsia web hosting Control Panel feature Varnish, which is one of the pre-installed platforms that you will get with the dedicated machine. The Varnish content caching platform can be configured and managed with no effort via Hepsia’s simple-to-navigate interface and, with no more than one click, you can check an elaborate log, create or reboot an instance, clear the cache associated with any Internet site and much, much more. Soon after you set up the Varnish platform for a specific domain or subdomain, it will start caching the web pages browsed by your website visitors and once it has cached enough web content, you’ll witness a tremendously faster site performance in addition to a decreased load on your dedicated machine. With Varnish-dedicated virtual memory starting at 3 gigabytes, you will be able to use the software platform for workload distribution purposes even if you run a vast number of sites on the server.