If you use a script-driven application for your website, any data which both you and the site users produce will be stored within a database - an accumulation of information, that is organized in cells and tables for simplier and easier reading and writing. The latter is carried out by using special software referred to as database management system and one of the most well-known ones globally is MySQL. A large amount of script apps are built to work with MySQL as it's easy to use, it works perfectly on a hosting server and it's universal as it can function with popular web programming languages (Java, PHP, Perl, Python) and on several server Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, UNIX). There are hundreds of scripts that use MySQL, including quite popular ones for instance WordPress, Joomla and Moodle.

MySQL 5 Databases in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You'll be able to use any script that requires MySQL with any of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting as we have the most up-to-date version installed on all machines - MySQL 5. Via our in-house built Hepsia hosting CP, you shall be able to swiftly create or remove a database, change its password, back it up with just a single mouse click or check the hourly and daily access stats for it. If you would like to handle the content of a database directly, not by using a script, you'll have two options - either employing the web interface of the phpMyAdmin tool, which is available inside the Control Panel, or using an application installed on your computer considering the fact that we support remote database access. For the aforementioned option, you'll have to add your IP address via the hosting account first as an extra level of safety against unauthorized access to your info.