Server Side Includes
What precisely are Server Side Includes? How can you improve your rankings via SSI?
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a well-known server-side scripting language, which is often used to add the content of one file inside another file. It is employed typically with online content and it could make a static HTML website much more dynamic. If you'd like to have a daily quote displayed on a number of pages of your site, for instance, you can make a text file and replace the quote inside it every single day. All web pages in which this file is integrated are going to show the updated quote, so you'll not need to update every one of them manually every time. SSI may also be used to contain the output of basic functions instead of a static file - for instance, the client's IP address, a hit counter or maybe the current date and time. In this way, you can make your internet site appear far more professional and a lot more attractive to the site visitors. Web pages that use SSI use a .shtml extension.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Server Side Includes could be activated without difficulty with each semi-dedicated server plan that we provide you with and the full process shall take you under a minute and just several mouse clicks. You can enable SSI by creating an empty .htaccess file inside a domain or subdomain main folder using the File Manager tool in the Hosting Control Panel or perhaps an FTP program of your choice, then incorporating a number of lines of code, which you'll be able to copy from the SSI article in our extensive Knowledgebase. The one thing remaining then shall be to double-check if all of the web pages that will use Server Side Includes are updated from .html to .shtml and to modify backlinks to different webpages on your website, in order to represent the modifications in the file extensions.